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Where on Earth do you get your wood from?

Not very far away. If you have Google Earth open at the moment and you've zoomed out to look at the whole planet, zoom back into the UK, into England, into Lincolnshire and into the secret headquarters of Cox & Sons, then zoom the map back out until you can see a five-mile radius. On the map now, North-west of Cox and Sons, is an independent timber supplier who sends us all of the delicious wood we need to create our furniture.

Why does this matter though?

Well, firstly it matters because deliveries are regular and it means the van only needs to drive for about 10 minutes to reach us. That keeps our carbon footprint nice and low and adds to our sustainability.

Secondly, it matters because we could buy our wood from the internet or from a huge, faceless corporation where nobody cares who we are. We don't though, we send our money where people know our names and greet us in a friendly manner because we're actually developing a positive business relationship. Our money puts food on people's tables when we spend it in small businesses.

Thirdly it matters because places like this take pride in their products. If I ask for a 4.8m oak board, I know that I won't receive something that is cupped or warped or twisted. I'll get a quality piece of wood that I can make a quality piece of furniture from.

Fourthly it matters because a smaller business can often operate with smaller overheads and therefore offer smaller prices, which allows me to pass on the savings and make my quotes much more competitive than they would have been if I had shopped at a huge store.

OK, stop talking, we get it. Just shamelessly plug this timber merchant already.

I will, because they have been outstanding and they deserve to be mentioned. At Cox and Sons Bespoke Furniture Ltd, we are proud to source our timber from Fir Tree Farm. They are FSC and PEFC accredited, which means they've proved that they promote sustainable forest management. Go and have a look at the website, follow them on social media, leave them a good Google review and support them if you can. And then, since you seem to be following instructions very obediently, come back to us and order a kitchen island.



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